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Monday, June 28, 2010

Buying Into the Dream(s), Your Dream(s), and Our Dream(s).

There are people that could come into your life that could be and will be, slowing you down from your potential achievements, and wasting your precious time. There could be traps set just for you because these predators know that, “You are good a catch.” These people will attempt to derail your dream(s); your purpose, and your progress up to that point in time, leaving you like a ship without a rudder that will meander all over the water with no speed, and no direction.
If your party is not “Buying into the Dream(s)” you should seriously consider getting with those that do “Buy into the Dream(s),” Your Dreams!
You could be doing a disservice to yourself if you allow people and parties that will lie to you in ways you would not have imaged. People that attempt to slow your roll, to hold you back, possibly ruin your life, and your goals on the way to your attempt at great achievements. These types of people have never had direction, speed, or positive purpose in their life except that weak loser mentality that needs someone else to bring down the gutter with them. They are like a drunk that does not want to drink alone.
Do not fall for their lies, their deceit in their attempt to hurt, harm, and maybe kill your dream(s). Do not allow it to happen! These losers will try to convince you they are on the same page you are on in your life, but they are not. They will attempt to tell you they want those same things in life you want, but the truth is they do not.
What they are doing is admiring your previous preparations that put you in a full stride that is moving you forward in ways they could never understand. This is only their attempt to ride your back while you are striving for your dreams, your goals, because they do not have a dream, a purpose or goals like yourself. These individuals recognize themselves as weak and you as strong. They see you climbing for those stars and they try to hitch a ride. Be careful for the hitchhiker could pull you down and under the ground. They could hold you back with that negative energy.
At a later date you could find yourself wanting and wishing you could have, and should have, shook them off in time. Now is the time!
Buy into your dream(s) with people that are on the same page as you. People that have shown you, by example that they can and will compete at the same or higher levels to reach or exceed shared dreams and goals together with you.
You would do yourself a better service if you follow your dreams together with like-minded dreamers. You will not regret it, when you reach for the stars and Buy into the Dream!

Copyright Claude Evans 314-475-0744.  06/06/2010 ce0604@yahoo.com


  1. Success or failure in any undertaking, is caused more by the mental attitude, even.. than by mental capacities...

  2. Everything in this world is a Dream Come True, or a Goal Reach. What the mind can conceive and believe, It Can Achieve!
