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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Will You Be Ready To Start?

"Get on the Starting Line and Be Ready to Go...."

Since about March 2006 I have been early retired from my first career in the Telephone Industry after working for almost thirty (30) years in a multiplicity of departments, in many capacities, working next to older people that had far less education than myself, some of which told me stories of getting hired at a time when they could just walk up to a work crew on the street that was maybe laying down underground cable or putting up poles for aerial cable and request a job from the foreman that was in charge of the crew. If the foreman thought you could do the job he would hire you on the spot, then the employment paperwork would be done at a later time. This was a time when for the most part the only thing that was important was that you could do the job, and/or sometimes..if your brother, sister, or other relative worked for the company already. Nepotism was not always against federal and state laws then. As time passed and the years moved on the requirements changed and the demands increased in order to be selected for a good paying entry level position in the same industry. You now had to take and pass a test that you never got to see the results of. You had to have some kind of education, a high school diploma, some trade school training, or even in some cases some formal college education to be considered. Today, these past requirements are not enough mainly because of the unemployment levels that exist today that allows employers to demand the best educated workers with college degrees from accredited Universities in America, some with advanced Graduate Level education that would not have been required in a full employment USA in the past for the same level or position being filled. Employers can pick flexible potential qualified employees and choose who they want to work for them. Those with the ability to do what is demanded of them to do (never mind what your major was/is in college) are now..part of the selected few. If the potential employee wants the job and has the potential to succeed at the job and is deserving of the valuable salary/pay and benefits to be receive for your sowing, then most of the time it is easy for the potential employee to accept the requested requirements for working at that entity especially with all the competition in the current employment state. In times past, the previous simple job requirements that I was told about when I was a very young Telephone Industry worker are long gone in the current 2010 economy. You have to be ready, especially the younger new potential employees. Potentials must keep their minds sharp, their records clean, they should research the entities they may have to interview for, they should always practice a healthy lifestyle that includes a clean body, and now is the time to clear all the skeletons that could hold you back. You must know and understand that some employers research some of the social websites for your names, connections, and character flaws that could give them the reason(s) to trash your application. The potential employee must reflect a clean character that is better than the competition. Nothing..should slow you down not even that funny email address. You must be ready in all areas now! Will you be ready to start?
--Copyright Claude Evans 314-475-0744.   05/25/2010 ce0604@yahoo.com.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Buying Into the Dream(s), Your Dream(s), and Our Dream(s).

There are people that could come into your life that could be and will be, slowing you down from your potential achievements, and wasting your precious time. There could be traps set just for you because these predators know that, “You are good a catch.” These people will attempt to derail your dream(s); your purpose, and your progress up to that point in time, leaving you like a ship without a rudder that will meander all over the water with no speed, and no direction.
If your party is not “Buying into the Dream(s)” you should seriously consider getting with those that do “Buy into the Dream(s),” Your Dreams!
You could be doing a disservice to yourself if you allow people and parties that will lie to you in ways you would not have imaged. People that attempt to slow your roll, to hold you back, possibly ruin your life, and your goals on the way to your attempt at great achievements. These types of people have never had direction, speed, or positive purpose in their life except that weak loser mentality that needs someone else to bring down the gutter with them. They are like a drunk that does not want to drink alone.
Do not fall for their lies, their deceit in their attempt to hurt, harm, and maybe kill your dream(s). Do not allow it to happen! These losers will try to convince you they are on the same page you are on in your life, but they are not. They will attempt to tell you they want those same things in life you want, but the truth is they do not.
What they are doing is admiring your previous preparations that put you in a full stride that is moving you forward in ways they could never understand. This is only their attempt to ride your back while you are striving for your dreams, your goals, because they do not have a dream, a purpose or goals like yourself. These individuals recognize themselves as weak and you as strong. They see you climbing for those stars and they try to hitch a ride. Be careful for the hitchhiker could pull you down and under the ground. They could hold you back with that negative energy.
At a later date you could find yourself wanting and wishing you could have, and should have, shook them off in time. Now is the time!
Buy into your dream(s) with people that are on the same page as you. People that have shown you, by example that they can and will compete at the same or higher levels to reach or exceed shared dreams and goals together with you.
You would do yourself a better service if you follow your dreams together with like-minded dreamers. You will not regret it, when you reach for the stars and Buy into the Dream!

Copyright Claude Evans 314-475-0744.  06/06/2010 ce0604@yahoo.com

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Do You Recognize Your Linemen/Linewomen..

I loved... sports in high school, and football was one of my favorites. There was just something unexplainable about being a member of a team and one of the running backs that carried the ball tucked deeply in my chest and breaking through the scrimmage line after your teammates and the larger guys on the line had forcefully created a place for me to run through the line (most of the times). It did not take long to recognize who your best friends really were when you attempted to run through a hole in the line that was created by a group of guys on your team that had the same goal in mind to score a touchdown or advance as far forward as possible with the ground game to get a first down or reach the ultimate goal of a touchdown against the opposition that was doing everything possible to move you and your team backwards and always attempted to take that ball away.
In life..I have learned that there are people in our lives that act as linemen/line women that create big and tiny cracks for us to advance forward in our lives. Sometimes they go unrecognized by the people they sacrifice so much for. These people (Linemen/Line women) ask for so little, sometimes nothing in return except that you do your best. These people are the people that stayed up with you on those nights when you didn't know if you would make it to the next morning, these are the people that took care of you and themselves when you were being developed and created, these are the people that get up and go to work so that you could be fed and clothed with the sometimes pennies that they worked for, these folks would hustle, grind, and would endure everyday in their business establishment in making an extra penny this day when there was none made the day before, these are the people that love and loved you no matter how disrespectful or unappreciated you would sometimes be when they would ask you to do something or help out in some way that would not have required much effort on your part but you sometimes dismissed the simple request as unimportant and would not remember to do the simple task. It is these linemen/line women that created the hole in the scrimmage line that allowed you to advance forward, one, two, three yards at a time to reach the positive end in the opposing challenges. They helped you reach the goal line, to reach the touchdown, to score the points necessary to make your life more successful that helped you be and become the person you have become up until this point in your life. These linemen/line women are sometimes not recognized for who they are and what they do for you..
Do you recognize your linemen/line women? Do you show them appreciation, even if they do not or have not asked for any?
- -Copyright Claude Evans 314-475-0744 04/28/2010  ce0604@yahoo.com

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Everyone Has An Opinion, And In America They Should..

Recently, the famous movie actor and comedian Jim Carrey had a opinion about Tiger Woods' recent setback with his wife.
Jim's Tweet Quoted: "No wife is blind enough to miss that much infidelity. Elin had 2 b a willing participant on the ride 4 whatever reason. kids/lifestyle." He also tweeted that; The public should back off: "Tiger owes nothing 2 anyone but himself. 2 please his father he gave up his childhood and his freedom in the world. That's enough!" End of Tweet Quote.
Jim is entitle to his opinion and I believe he is right about expressing it about a famous person like himself and Tiger Woods. We give up some privacy as famous and infamous that others will never have to worry about much because with riches sometimes comes exposure. Jim Carrey has an opinion and I believe he is not only right in expressing it, he is right in it's description as it relates to Tiger Woods and his wife.
- -Copyright Claude Evans 04/17/2010   ce0604@yahoo.com

Saturday, April 10, 2010

GOP (Grand Old Party) needs to say yes more often to the peoples business.

The Grand Old Party (GOP) have given themselves a name that will stay for awhile. "The Party of NO" name will hurt them because they seem to disagree with the majority of American voters that elected President Obama to do the peoples business. In 2008 a fair and historic election, where the people decided that "Change Is Good" elected their choice to be President of the United States of America. Now that the people have decided who should be President of the United States the GOP should stop crying and pouting, then vote for somethings that will help our economy prosper and move forward. The GOP/Republicans should stop stonewalling and vote to confirm the leaders that will get the government offices and organizations up and running. A confirmation vote should by now have been brought about, after they (the Republicans) have openly held up most of the votes for the Obama Administrations candidates that should have already been confirmed and in place as leaders in our government. Yes, for the last and only sixteen months (16) that the President has been in office, the Republicans have held up confirmation hearings. I believe reasonable Americans will see how the GOP has hurt rather than helped America, and vote most of the Republicans out of office. I predict a new wave of democrats will be elected this fall and the government of the United States of America will function once more without the hate that is currently being advocated by some Republicans and the party of "NO."
- -Copyright Claude Evans 04/10/2010 email: ce0604@yahoo.com